Knowing who you are dealing with is important

With our public databases directories you will be easily able to locate; public/civil records, criminal records, background history, marriage records, divorce records, birth & death records, full name and address and phone numbers, public/civil records and many more pieces of personal information.

This will make you one step ahead when doing any type of personal information verification or background records check.

You will be able to cross reference many fields of data to insure you're locating the correct records you're searching for. Investigate anyone, it's 100% legal and it's your right.
Public Records & Public information
Public Records are connected to every part of our lives in society. A public record is piece of information that may contain individual; background information, employment history, credit information, marriage & divorce records, birth & death records, financial records, address and phone number, residence history, civil court records and other vital personal information.
Public background checks are often requested by employers and renters on applicants, especially on those that are seeking a high security job or a position of power, such as in a government jobs, military, banks, schools, hospitals, financial institution, airports, etc. Public background checks have been performed in the past by a government organization for a fee. Background checks today are more frequently provided by private companies that can access public databases, the same databases used by various government organizations.
The results of the private databases are usually more complete and faster at indexing and cross-referencing of different types of database records. A person's identity is not always what they say it is. Verifying a person's background and indexing the criminal history and public/civil records of a person are often used by employers and renters as a means of objectively evaluating a person's history and qualifications to avoid potential risks.
Public records, however, may sometimes be used for illegal purposes, such as unlawful discrimination, identity theft, and harassment. It is important to verify the information obtained within public databases by cross referencing phone numbers and addresses to make sure that the available information you find is indeed for the person you are searching for.
More public records and resources
USA national public records archives and registry. State public records & historical information.
Public listings by person or business. Online public record information.
USA national public records archives and registry. State public records & historical information.
Public listings by person or business. Online public record information.